

Act Up al Whitney di New York per ricordare David Wojnarowicz e attualizzare l'attenzione sull'Aids

A New York lo scorso Venerdì presso il Whitney Museum of American Art si è svolta negli spazi della mostra dedicata a David Wojnarowicz un’azione di sensibilizzazione dei membri di ACT UP per ricordare che l’AIDS è ancora un grande problema sociale e che non bisogna abbassare la guardia ma continuare a lottare contro questa infezione.

Il museo ha segnalato che l’evento espositivo è accompagnato da una serie di incontri culturali e scientifici proprio per affrontare al presente questa criticità .

Dalla pagina Fb di Act Up 

Last's night's action at the Whitney Museum of American Art! AIDS IS NOT HISTORY.

David Wojnarowicz was a member of ACT UP, the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power. ACT UP was formed in 1987 and has been active ever since, fighting to end the AIDS epidemic. And while the Whitney retrospective on his artwork was beautiful, we believe the exhibit memorializes AIDS, ignoring the fact that AIDS epidemic shown in his work continues on today.

ACT UP showed up with articles addressing current AIDS related issues, but formatted as artist statements. We added the curation we believe the Whitney lacked, and brought these contemporary issues to the forefront. 

We demand that art institutions connect historical activism to relevant present activism/events. Do not memorialize or romanticize the circumstances and activism of artists from oppressed groups. Make explicit that the epidemic HIV+ artists put into their artwork is ongoing, 30 years later.

Want to help support ACT UP NY continue to FIGHT AIDS? Please visit our website and make a purchase or donation at: #ACTUP #FightBack #FightAIDS