

Hayward Gallery 50 anni!

la Hayward Gallery di Londra, dopo tre anni di lavori, pochi giorni fa ha aperto per festeggiare i 50 anni di attività con un ricco programma di eventi e incontri.

Sono state inaugurate anche due importanti mostre, una su Lee Bul e una sull’artista taiwanese Yuan Goang-Ming. Seguirà poi in autunno una mostra sulla cultura Drag e una sugli spazi percepiti dagli artisti. 

50p Day
On Wednesday 11 July, 50 years to the day from when Hayward Gallery first opened to the public, we allowed visitors to enjoy current exhibition, Lee Bul: Crashing, for a price of just 50p. And to enable as many of you as possible to take advantage of this amazing offer, we extended our opening hours for the day too, meaning the exhibition could be seen from 11am ‘til 9pm.

Opening up our archive
Working in partnership with the Google Cultural Institute, Hayward Gallery has digitised archival material from 50 landmark exhibitions that have taken place at the gallery over the past 50 years, making it widely available to the public for the first time ever. The digitised material includes exhibition proposals, printed ephemera and installation images, helping to tell the stories behind some of Hayward Gallery’s remarkable exhibitions, including Henri Matisse 1869-1954: A Retrospective Exhibition (1968); Dada and Surrealism Reviewed (1978); Outsiders: An Art Without Precedent or Tradition (1979); Addressing the Century: 100 Years of Art and Fashion (1998); and Sonic Boom: The Art of Sound (2000).