

Il mercato sempre più ristretto


Vi segnalo questo interessante articolo di Artnet che mette in evidenza come oramai il mercato dell'arte è un gioco fra pochi attori, come ad esempio succede in Germania che praticamente l'80 % delle vendite è gestito da 17 % delle gallerie.

...Just 17 percent of German galleries account for 80 percent of the sector’s annual revenue, according to a recent survey of the art market in the central European country. The report paints a picture of an increasingly stratified sector in a year marked by staggering losses. Dealers predict their revenues will fall around 40 percent in 2020 as a result of the lockdown.

The survey—organized by the Federal Association of German Galleries and Fine Art Dealers (BVDG) and the Institute for Strategy Development (IFSE)—suggests that the losses will have a disproportionate impact on smaller dealers, who “often run the most ambitious programs under conditions of self-exploitation.”

The report found that around 100 of the country’s 700 galleries make an annual turnover of more than €1.5 million ($1.8 million) each, while the low end of the market contains 60 percent of galleries, which generate just 7 percent of the nation’s annual art sales.

“Gallery sales are extremely unevenly distributed,” the authors say. “As a rule, after deduction of all expenses, [small galleries] can hardly make a living from the ...