

Keita Miyazaki da Rosenfeld

La galleria Rosenfeld di Londra propone la ricerca di Keita Miyazaki, che a seguito della sua esperienze dello  tsunami del 2011 ha sviluppato una riflessione fra sviluppo, recupero e ambiente. 

Keita Miyazaki's major catalyst in his artist’s artistic life was being a first-hand witness at the tsunami which devastated parts of his country in 2011. Seeing the total destruction of so many elements of the industrial world on which we depend for so much of our highly developed existence was a highly significant moment for him it crystallised the enormous faith in which western societies had based their progress and wealth. This made him question the very basis on which Western societies measure their progress. The artist was determined to take an element of this, in his eyes, now obsolete world and give it a renaissance in a radically different guise. That element was the components of the car engine which, drawing on his expertise as a metal welder, enabled him to combine different parts in exotic new and unsuspecting shapes to which he combined richly coloured origami inspired works made with Japanese paper.