

Prossimamente Manifesta 2018

Sta prendendo forma la prossima edizione di Manifesta, che si svolgerà a Palermo nel 2018.

Sono state resi pubblici i diversi mediatori curatoriali che sono l'architetto italiano Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli dello studio OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture), la curatrice svizzeraa Mirjam Varadinis, che lavora al Kunsthaus di Zurigo, l'architetto e artista spagnolo Andrés Jaque  fondatore dell'Office of Political Innovation, e la giornalista olandese Bregtje van der Haak.


Manifesta 12 in Palermo appointed OMA as Creative Mediator

Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of the City of Palermo, Hedwig Fijen, Director of Manifesta, and Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, partner at OMA, are delighted to announce the Creative Mediator team for the 12th edition of Manifesta, held in Palermo, Italy, 2018.

The Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) has been invited by the Director of Manifesta, Hedwig Fijen, to mediate the complex architectural and urban structure of the city of Palermo. OMA will put together an interdisciplinary team to investigate the role of city governance and address how contemporary cities are affected by tourism, gentrification, migration and climate change.

The OMA team, led by partner Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, will investigate the urban, social and cultural transformations of Palermo and will work together with specialists from the fields of contemporary art, sociology, music, cinema and architecture. Manifesta 12 will feature a series of interactive, interdisciplinary, performative and artistic interventions. For further information and statements, please read here the press release.

The Manifesta 12 kick-off week started with the first research session of OMA in Palermo as to explore the different stratifications of Palermo’s most diverse neighborhoods and get a closer look on the social, historical and economical context of this city. The research was held by local specialists such as a social worker, student, architect and immigrants, which through their specially composed itineraries gave OMA a precise view how to understand the complexity of Palermo in all its aspects. The kick-off meeting set the premises of OMA’s urban studies on Palermo and later on, the concept of Manifesta 12 biennial program.
The choice of Rotterdam based OMA as a Creative Mediator researching the urban context in which a Manifesta Biennial is taking place, is based on the fact that the creative processes in complex cities like Palermo should always start with investigating the spatial domain in relation to certain political and governance models, forcing us to think harder about how to create a more sustainable legacy for each Manifesta Host City.

Manifesta 12 in Palermo appointed OMA as Creative Mediator

Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of the City of Palermo, Hedwig Fijen, Director of Manifesta, and Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, partner at OMA, are delighted to announce the Creative Mediator team for the 12th edition of Manifesta, held in Palermo, Italy, 2018.

The Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) has been invited by the Director of Manifesta, Hedwig Fijen, to mediate the complex architectural and urban structure of the city of Palermo. OMA will put together an interdisciplinary team to investigate the role of city governance and address how contemporary cities are affected by tourism, gentrification, migration and climate change.

The OMA team, led by partner Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, will investigate the urban, social and cultural transformations of Palermo and will work together with specialists from the fields of contemporary art, sociology, music, cinema and architecture. Manifesta 12 will feature a series of interactive, interdisciplinary, performative and artistic interventions. For further information and statements, please read here the press release.