

Torna il classico?


Grande successo  per l'asta di opere storiche da Sotheby's, con grande referente Botticelli che raggiunge i 92 milioni di dollari, forse segnale che il mercato torna alle opere del passato con una certa qualità e percorso che ne giustifichi il valore che sicuramente nel tempo sarà quello più sicuro. 


Botticelli’s magnificent Portrait of a young man holding a roundel, one of the very finest portraits from the Florentine Master, soared to $92,184,000 total. The price achieved today makes it not only one of the most valuable portraits of any era ever sold, but also one of the most valuable Master paintings ever sold at auction. It was last purchased at auction in 1982 for $1.3 million. “This is a painting that transcends the normal boundaries of the Old Master genre,” said George Wachter, Sotheby's Co-Chairman of Old Master Paintings, Worldwide, “one of the best-preserved, most exquisite, classical Renaissance portraits that anyone could ever wish to own.”