

Nathaniel Mary Quinn al Bunker259

Si inaugura oggi un nuovo progetto al Bunker259 di New York ideato da Nathaniel Mary Quinn corredato dai testi di William Villalongo.

Press Release

We are excited to open our 3rd exhibition  Species  of a single work  King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing on Me  by Brooklyn artist Nathaniel Mary Quinn in conjunction with a text by William Villalongo.  The exhibition will run from January 12 through February 21, 2014. 

For the artwork on view,  King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing on Me,  Quinn utilizes modes of cubism to discuss the construction of identity in the technological environment in which we live.  The artist uses an array of drawing techniques with traditional art materials on paper achieving a composite image, appropriated from disparate sources. The result is a new type of being that is slightly strange, yet familiar, questioning how we identify ourselves with the figurative image.

Quinn has chosen to break from the structure of Bunker259’s “strict” coffee/tea or sweet/savory choices for “Red Kool-aid” and a surprise sweet treat for each of the appointments. Also, a selection of, in the artist’s words, “old school, back-in-the-day, Motown songs”  will be a part of the ambience of the viewing experience and will play through the run of the exhibition. Playing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the music could be thought of as a viral, unstoppable force perhaps suggesting the persistence of the influence culture has on the construction of our identities, and in the case of Quinn, on his identity.

William Villalongo’s text,  Species,  for Bunker 259 vol. 3 expands on Nathaniel M. Quinn’s life and artistic practice while providing a close observation of  King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing on Me.  Villalongo is an artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY and is currently a lecturer at the Yale School of Art. For the past decade Villalongo has shown his work throughout the United States and Europe.

Bunker259 is  dedicated to providing artists and writers with a platform and outlet for collaboration. A single artwork in conjunction with a text will be exhibited in a space open to the public by appointment. The purpose of the appointment is to foster an intimate and focused viewing experience. These collaborations between writer, artist, and Bunker259 will be documented in an edition of the Bunker259 book series, published on the occasion of each exhibition.