

Arte e solidarietà


Il Kunstnernes Hus di Oslo propone fino al fine Marso l'interessante mostra ′′ Azioni d'arte e solidarietà ′′ curata dal OCA Norvey ha aperto le porte anche online sul suo profilo Instagram @kunstnerneshus


Solidarity has re-entered the global zeitgeist with resounding force in the last decade. It has driven new thinking focused on countering systemic failures and outright abuses related to climate, economy, surveillance, health, gender and race amongst other issues. Actions of Art and Solidarity considers the central role that artists play within this historical shift in the new millennium, drawing parallels to synergic cases of the twentieth century.

The exhibition is curated by Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) and organised in collaboration with Kunstnernes Hus. Click here to explore the exhibition online.