

cento di Joseph Beuys

Il prossimo 12 Maggio ricorreranno i cento anni della nascita di Joseph Beuys, nato nel 1921, fra gli artisti più radicali del secolo scorso. 

Saranno diverse le manifestazioni e mostre per ricordare il suo innovativo approccio artistico attivate col progetto del Ministero della Cultura e della Scienza dello Stato della Renania Settentrionale/Vestfalia col titolo “beuys 2021 – 100 years of joseph beuys” .


100 years of joseph beuys: What do our thoughts, our feelings and desires have to do with sculpture?

Is art the only revolutionary force? 

Is the future a category of art?

 Are these even the questions we need to be asking? 

100 years after the birth of Joseph Beuys the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is rearticulating these questions so fundamental to both his art and thought. 

As part of the centenary celebration » beuys 2021. 100 years of joseph beuys« numerous exhibitions, actions and performances, plays, concerts, lectures and seminars are set to explore the equally fascinating and controversial ideas of one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. 

Some 20 institutions in 12 cities invite visitors to enter into conversation with Beuys and to examine his significance both for the international art world and for society at large. Most of all they inspire us to consider what democracy and freedom mean, how the relationship between politics and art might be thought of today and what is to be done.