la zona industriale di Vejle in Danimarca sta prendendo forma il progetto
Fjordenhus dello Studio Olafur Eliasson.
particolare edificio/opera per l’azienda Kirk Kapital, che miscela necessità
produttive con un uso pubblico dello spazio, che è stato inaugurato i primi di giugno.
KIRK KAPITAL A/S’ new headquarter "Fjordenhus" is placed in the harbor of Vejle and was inaugurated in June 2018.
The building is
designed by the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson and his studio.
Olafur Eliasson has created a design consisting purely of ellipse and
circle shapes.
The ground floor with several built-in art installations is open to the public every day from 7-24, while offices occupy the upper floors of the building.
To read more about Fjordenhus, please visit
Fjordenhus, 2018 Vejle, Denmark Photo: Anders Sune Berg