

Ghetto 2016

Nel 2016 si festeggeranno i cinquecento anni della fondazione del Ghetto di Venezia, e si stanno allestendo diversi eventi tra cui quello del Venetian Heritage Council  che sta organizzando una raccolta di fondi per il restauro di una parte di questo importante complesso architettonico, l'obiettivo è di raccogliere 8 milioni di euro.

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Venetian Heritage Inc was founded in 1999 and is one of Venice’s leading restoration organizations. It supports cultural initiatives through restorations, exhibitions, publications, studies, and research with the goal of introducing the world to the vast wealth of Venetian art in Italy and in the territories that were once part of the Venetian domain. Fondazione Venetian Heritage Onlus exists as a non-profit foundation in Italy and Venetian Heritage Inc is a tax-deductible corporation in the USA and they can easily work with both public and private bodies.

The Jewish Museum of Venice is one of Italy’s most important Jewish Museums, on par with the one in Rome. Within it are three ancient synagogues dating to the 16th century. They are located in the first recorded Jewish ghetto.

The museum stands out for its quality exhibits, long history, and educational and cultural work that it pursues through exhibitions, seminars, and book presentations.

The task at hand is a critical one because over the years they have fallen into a steady state of disrepair, due in part to the unique challenges posed by Venice’s geography, and urgently need renovations in order to survive.

It also presents an enormous opportunity to increase the institution’s stature and tell the story of the Venetian Jews and the Ghetto of Venice, one not widely known but crucial to the understanding of Jewish culture, in one of the most historic cities in the world.