

Newport street gallery

Quest'autunno finalmente aprirà anche il centro espositivo voluto dal più famoso e ricco artista del Regno Unito, Damien Hirst.

Grande aspettative per vedere che cosa proporrà dalla sua collezione e come sarà innovativo questa nuova realtà londinese, il progetto sarà dello studio Caruso St. John, fra i più famosi e operanti nel sistema dell'arte contemporanea. 

Per ora eccovi alcuni scatti. 

Dal sito

This private gallery in Vauxhall has involved the conversion of an extraordinary terrace of listed industrial buildings, that were formerly theatre carpentry and scenery painting workshops. The gallery forms the whole length of the street, with the three listed Victorian buildings flanked at either end by new buildings. The ground and upper floors within the five buildings are connected by big doorways through the party walls, allowing them to be used flexibly in many combinations, for the installation of art and to accommodate large and small exhibitions. The project required the construction of a new first floor level within the very tall spaces of the victorian workshops, to create two levels of galleries, sequences of beautiful and lofty rooms that stretch from one end of the building to the other. The facades of the new buildings are made with a hard pale red brick that closely matches the surface of the listed buildings. Their elevations are judged somewhere between the distinct and the obvious, contributing to the variety of the ensemble. The five buildings next to each other, all different but obviously related, make a sheer and impressive street elevation.
The plans include a restaurant designed by the client and administrative offices for the gallery. The building will have changing exhibitions and collections, and will be open to the public for free. 

Dal sito di Damien Hirst

Later this year, Damien Hirst will open a gallery in Lambeth that will show public exhibitions of artists’ work from his own collection.
Newport Street Gallery has been in development for over three years. It is the result of Hirst’s long-term ambition to build a museum and to share his collection with the public, and his love of curating, which dates back to the beginning of his artistic career and the organisation of group shows such as ‘Freeze’ (1988) and ‘Modern Medicine’ (1990). The exhibitions presented at Newport Street will vary between single artist and group shows, and will be open to the public free of charge.
Hirst’s expansive and diverse collection, which he has been acquiring since the late 1980s, includes artists such as Francis Bacon, Banksy, Tracey Emin, Jeff Koons, Sarah Lucas, Pablo Picasso, Richard Prince, Haim Steinbach, Gavin Turk, and indigenous artists from the Pacific Northwest Coast such as Robert Davidson, James Hart and Don Yeomans, as well as artefacts and natural history specimens, taxidermy and anatomical models, amongst other historical objects. The collection has previously been the subject of major group exhibitions at the Serpentine Gallery, London (2006) and the Pinacoteca Agnelli, Turin (2013). Newport Street Gallery will now allow Hirst to dedicate time and space to exhibiting areas of his art collection for the public to interact with and enjoy.
Designed by architects Caruso St John, the building will contain six interconnected galleries as well as a restaurant and shop. It has been converted from five warehouses: three listed late Victorian scenery-painting studios flanked by two new-builds at either end. Hirst acquired the buildings over ten years ago and converted areas of them into studios which he and other artists have since used.